
BT40D, este solutia VMax de fiabilitate si pret accesibil, pastrand caracteristicile unui produs profesional cu decodarea chiar si a codurilor de bare deteriorate.

BT40D este portabil, tehnologie fara fir, cu comunicatie pe distante lungi, pana la 100m in camp deschis (in functie de tehnologia wireless aleasa).

Acumulatorul de 2500  mAh, asigura o autonomie mare, pana la 5 ore in  tip de lucru continu.


Dimensiuni 201,1  x 94,2 x 101,8 mm
Greutate 360g
Capacitate decodare 1d
Imagine (px) 640 x 480 (HxV px)
optiuni wireless 2.4 -2.5 GHz bandwidth range, Bluetooth V2.0/V3.0/V4.0
Decodare 1D 1D: Codabar,Code 11, Code 39, Code 93, Code 128/EAN128, EAN.UCC Composite, Interleaved 2 of 5, MSI Code, Planet, Standard 2 of 5, Telepen, Matrix 2 of 5, UPC/EAN, etc
Decodare 2D PDF417, QR code, MicroPDF417, MaxiCode, Codablock, Aztec, Dutch Post, DataMatrix, etc.
Symbology is turned on by default: Codabar;Code39;Interleaved2of5;NEC2of5,Code93;Code128;GS1-128,
Comenzi ; 0788481023